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A Compassionate Approach to Self-Criticism with Professor Paul Gilbert
18 January 2022 10am - 4pm Personal Practice Workshop Recording available for 30 days
£120.00 plus VAT

Click on the PDF for more details

A Personal Practice Workshop

This workshop will explore with participants the nature and functions of self-criticism, distinguishing them from guilt and other self-conscious emotions. Participants will then be introduced to some of the basic compassion focused mind training practices such as breathing and grounding, cultivating the compassion mind and self, functional analysis of self-criticism and using the compassionate self to address selfcriticism and compassionately engaging with self-criticism. We will explore the distinction between shame based self-criticism and compassion-based self correction. Participants will be given opportunities to work with their own material.

Participants should be aware however that this is a practice workshop and not personal therapy workshop and are responsible for their own well-being during the workshop.

The workshop is suitable for all those who are engaged in therapeutic interactions
with clients.

It will contribute six hours Continuing Professional Development

Join live on the day and/or watch the recording at any time for 30 days



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